Friday, June 29, 2012

Week 1/Leadership Post: To Publish or To Present

My comfort zone has always been in producing visually engaging material. Thus, when the choice to publish or present came about, my first answer, without thought, was to present. Then I began to think. My Action Research site has been very successful, and I would be able to utilize much of the content from my AR site.   
Ironically, when I reflect back to Month 1 when Dr. Wyly introduced the Literature Review, I thought I was never going to make it through this program. I never thought my writing was good enough then, and have often struggled with the quality and consistency of my writing even now. Nevertheless, I have decided to publish. By ultimately choosing this option, I will be demonstrating to myself that I can develop my writing to a level worthy of being published for a conference.

Update: After the week two Wednesdays Wimba session, I decided that I am going to switch from a paper presentation to a 'presentation' presentation. The format lends more to my creative self, and having recently presented my research to a body of faculty, the experience is still fresh. So, I'm off to power up my Keynote!


  1. Thanks so much for accepting the challenge to move beyond your comfort zone. Good luck.


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