Sunday, July 1, 2012

Week 1/ Blog 5 – Wimba Archive Recap

It really bites not being able to attend Wimba sessions for this course. Unfortunately, I’m teaching a Portfolio class from 6pm to 9pm on Wednesdays. I thought I could watch from work while the students were working on assignments, but the connection was so poor, I had to discontinue. I guess I’ll be a W.A.W. (Wimba Archive Watcher) for July.

Watching the archive was a bit overwhelming. There is SO much going on for this course that I have literally cancelled any plans or events on my calendar – except for The Dark Knight Rises on July 20. I’ll just have to work my leadership project around that one. The feeling of stress and panic that I felt watching the archive is not an unusual feeling. I remember having that feeling back in Month 1 and 2 when we were focusing on our Lit Reviews. I made it my resolve to take it one step at a time, one assignment at a time, until everything was done. Needless to say, I’ll have to do that again this month. The Capstone and Leadership assignments have a lot of ‘moving parts’ to them (especially the Leadership Project). Professor Joe did clarify a lot of points. For example, I wasn’t sure about the timeline for the Leadership Project and what would determine our grade. I’m also glad he expounded on the Abstract. One hundred twenty words or less sounds easy, but I’ve learned from previous projects never to underestimate any assignment.

Hopefully, I’ll get the opportunity to correspond with the Professor during an iChat or via email. Until then, I’ll be watching from the archives…


  1. Thanks for reviewing the archive (even though i gave you credit because you attempted to view the session live). You've made it this far, you'll do great this month. I think you nailed it with the notion of taking things one step at a time. You'll do great.


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