Friday, June 29, 2012

Week 1/Blog 3 – Response to Kat Thorenson

Kat’s Blog Post:

The information presented on Fair Use clarified several things for me. I believe, up until now, I was following loosely the rules established. I have always asked permission before using music in my classroom, for teaching purposes, and I have clarified somewhat the issues for my students. Listening and observing the video has more clearly defined what I am able to use. I'm excited to share these clarifications with my students.

Other issues about remix have always had me wondering how they can do that. Many folks believe that new content is not being created. How can we be 'inspired' by past creation? The fair use right is rooted in the first amendment. The attorney clarified that we must 'use or lose it". I love that it follows reason and logic and is not 'black and white'. We must ask ourselves "What is normal, particularly in the field?" I hope to have the students write about fair use, perhaps use a case study that is complicated in order that they may understand how complicated the issues are.

A rule of thumb is to always credit your sources.

My Response to Kat:

Kat, I agree with your views wholeheartedly. The videos we watched this past week increased our level of awareness to the point where we can even engage our own students in a discussion regarding the matter. I think it’s a great idea, and I’m glad that there is the Fair Use Policy website by the organization to help educate on the subject. The website has many resources that are free to use and reproduce (great idea as well) so that we, as teachers, can feel confident bringing the topic to the classroom. And yes, ‘always credit your sources.’


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