Friday, July 27, 2012

Week 4 / Blog 2 – Leadership Role Model Reflection

I remember back in 2006 after I got my iPod Touch, I discovered a weekly video podcast called “Photoshop User TV” hosted by Scott Kelby, Dave Cross, and Matt Kloskowski. Back then, no one was teaching Adobe Photoshop on that level. Not only were their tutorials amazing (I always managed to learn something new), but they also made it SO MUCH FUN!!!

Those guys inspired a lot of my classroom teaching techniques, and they proved that if you genuinely have a passion for something, it will show in the atmosphere your presence creates.  They also inspired me to dream big. Every now and then, they would have a guest on their show that would share a tutorial, or showcase a new photography gadget. I would often say to myself, “You should be doing that!” But then I quickly shot down the idea with negative obstacles.

I am grateful for this EMDT program because it has shown me that not only can I dream big, but I can also DO big. In the past, I’ve attended many conferences, read countless industry-related blogs by tech ‘experts’, and sat in many professional development workshops. Yet I never imagined I would one day have the opportunity to present at a conference, be that tech expert blog writer, or lead the training workshops. The Photoshop guys may not know it, but they are my tekkie-geek heroes. And who knows, maybe one day I WILL get a chance to guest host on their show.


  1. I'm so glad to hear that you're inspired to share your expertise. I've found that it's not the ones in the spotlight who are doing the most amazing work, they're just the one's who've decided to grab the microphone and have a go of it. This is especially true in public education where those in the spot light haven't spent a moment in the classroom in decades... So, I'm glad you're inspired to step up and add your voice. Wonderful.


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