Friday, July 27, 2012

Week 4 / Blog 3 - Response to Justin Fishel's Blog

Response to Justin Fishel's Blog:
“If we can learn how to be the board, we are able to keep track 

of the path in which we wish to stay on in life.”

Justin, I cannot tell you how poignant that statement is! Some people, for one reason or another, get stuck in a rut in life. They spend a good portion of their lives blaming everyone and everything. It is not until they get sick and tired of being sick and tired that they realize they have the power to relinquish control from ‘whatever’. Yes, be the board! Set your own rules! Define your life goal!

Justin's Original Post:

This weeks reading was in regards to finishing up Benjamin and Rosamund Stone Zander’s The Art of Possibility. This read has been easy and full of ways in which individuals can begin to make personal adjustments to enlighten themselves with new, never experienced before possibilities. Here is the breakdown of what I believed to have been the most enlightening ideas presented within the final chapters.
Chapter 9- Lighting a Spark
What I received most about this chapter was that its message was about trusting in people that they are that ‘A’. By doing this, you as an individual are allowing their spark to enlighten you. If we do not allow this to occur then we are subjecting to the word ‘no’ that in turn places us in the downward spiral. This downward spiral does not lead to possibility.
Chapter 10- Being the BoardWhat I learned most about this chapter’s reading was that we are in control of ourselves. We are the board of the game of life in which we are participating. When unwanted occurrences happen, we will tend to self reflect and determine what steps we took that led us to the position we are currently in. If we can learn how to be the board, we are able to keep track of the path in which we wish to stay on in life.
Chapter 11- Creating Frameworks for PossibilityThis chapter stood out the most with me through these final chapters. Creating Frameworks for Possibility points out that we as individuals must create and maintain these ‘visions of possibilities’. By doing this, we are able to keep our own lives and dreams on track along with creating possibilities for others, even those we do not personally know.
Chapter 12- Telling the WE StoryThis heading could easily be used within the elementary classroom. Telling the WE Story suggests just that. Instead of being so fixated on ourselves and our own dreams and aspirations…lets shift from I to we. This message is also reinforced within the Coda of The Art of Possibility.


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