Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Week 2 / Blog 3 - Response to Charlene Swoboda

My Response to Charlene’s Post:
Charlene, the conferences you are considering sound like a great match for you and your research topic. Okay, so there isn’t a “Technology Use in Girls’ Sports Conference”, but I believe that your research has a lot of common underlying principles that can be shared among many disciplines. Additionally, the opportunity to network, meet other people and hear ideas from other presenters can have an equally enriching effect. You mentioned airfare and hotel cost as some of the determining factors. I must admit, I didn’t even think about that! (And here I am looking at conferences in Hawaii, too!) I think if I began to worry about cost, it would be the same as trying to connect those nine dots without thinking outside the box. If there’s a will, there’s a way :) Good luck on your Leadership project!

Charlene's Original Post:

Wk 2- Where I Might Present My Work
After much research, I have found possible conferences where I could potentially present my Action Research Based Capstone Project. Both places seem appropriate as they call for themes relevant to my studies and are more affordable at this time.

At first I considered submitting to the eLearning Conference Presentation in San Antonio Texas.
Topics for consideration were not limited to, but included the LMS, blended hybrid courses, mobile learning, video applications, and social media in learning environments. My own project was to enhance communication on sports teams and extend practice times through individual video downloads (of routines) from the team interactive website. My project was mostly successful, but there were some surprises, too. For instance, the girls shared more pics through facebook which they felt more comfortable using than the team website gallery that offered both private and public zones. Establishing an LMS for hybrid learning for sports teams is my future “phase 3” vision for further success.

While I have my own experience (through Action Research) to present for others, it would nice for me to be in an environment where I can see and hear how other educators are creating hybrid courses, using mobile tech, videos, and definitely expanding LMS use. Then in addition to presenting, I can surround myself with experienced people sharing their tried and tested knowledge and I can apply that to my own environment for guidance.

However, the 525.00 for registration alone, not including hotel fees and airfare…
I just don’t have almost a thousand dollars to fund my presentation and paper publication. Thank Goodness, though, for places like TIE (Tech in Education) Colorado which offers stipends to teachers so they may attend conferences like this and present their work. Unfortunately, TIE isn’t accepting submissions now, but I’ll keep a future eye out for opportunities there.

In addition to researching appropriately aligned themes and topic, I need to add affordability and feasibility to my search filters! This is stressful considering my teaching job ended in June and I’m still in the job search process for next year.) I think I've located more affordable, viable opportunities for presentation...

Choice #1: This conference offers viable options. In addition to the costly, regular in-person presentation I’ve considered elsewhere, here I could present virtually (for a reduced virtual fee of 200.00 without the need for airfare or hotel room bills) and have my paper reviewed for publishing after the conference. (This way, I’d not just save on airfare and hotel fees, but I’d still get to offer my presentation, and additionally, get the chance to publish my work in a journal, which I want to do for resume/experience building.) Ok this is one I’m going for!
It’s offered through the University of Illinois as virtual or in-person presentations!

Another way to make it all more feasible is to take advantage of early bird specials on registration that encourages students to attend and present. For instance Georgia Ed Tech offers early student showcase options (145.00 to attend the full 3 day conference) as well as session presentation and panel discussion opportunities.
http://gaetc.org/component/content/article/17-program/67-application-to-present However, I can’t imagine presenting for an entire 90 minutes. (It seems like a little long, whereas the other ubiquitous presentation was a 15 minute presentation with 10-15 minute follow-up discussion.) That seems to be more appropriate with what I have to present. They do have student exhibits but I was actually hoping to present verses have a “science fair” type exhibit. I’ll keep looking…

*Going the opposite route for a minute since I’ve always wanted to visit Hawaii, (LOL), there’s actually a conference totally perfect for my presentation topic calling for paper and presentation submissions now! The other cool thing is that there are arts education presentations happening there simultaneously. (That is my passion.)

I learned that Both American and United Airlines offer special meeting fares for attendees of the Hawaii International Conference who use the Meeting ID Code below when they book their reservations. This would help costs but I know it would still be a lot most likely. In fact-I just looked it up and I was able to find round-trip super economy tickets for a total of 830.00, but that doesn’t include hotel and conference fees. That’s not nearly as much as I’d thought, but still a lot. Hey, I’m reading Art of Possibility, so I have to dream some! OK. Back to reality…

Choice #2: Right in my own state, not an hour away, is the “PETE & C” or PA Educational Technology Expo and Conference. It is an excellent opportunity for me to present and I can drive there without airfares or hotels fees! They suggest presentation submissions that improve home/school connections (which mine does), offering tech tools for the classroom (which mine does), and might be specific to a content area (which mine could be-specifically used for team building in both physed activities and sports teams.)

Actually, I just realized that I have not come across any calls specifically for using tech to enhance sports teams and physed activities. This could be my very own “shoes in Africa” opportunity as described by Zander in the book, Art of Possibility, mentioned in my previous blog. Rather than saying “oh they aren’t looking for proposals concerning technology for sports teams” so I won’t apply, I should think that I have an innovative idea, tested project and experience, to share which they need to hear since they haven’t considered it before! Indeed, it seems no one has! This could make my project more interesting for inclusion in conferences that spotlight emerging tech and new, innovative uses of tech for learning.

The PETE &C has become my number one choice for presentation, actually, and it fits within my budget. It makes sense, too, that as I job search, I network within my own state as well. Additionally, on the PETE & C website they requested volunteers to sign up for participation in the review panel. I applied as a reviewer as I think it will be an exciting volunteer opportunity (a way I can contribute) and see what opportunities are offered for presentation in my own state. Hopefully there is not a conflict, and I can help on the review panel and also present my own research. I will find out! If I can’t do both, I can present this year and offer help reviewing next year. It is a good connection for me and I’m excited about it.


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