Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Week 2 / Blog 2 - Leadership post: Where Do I Want To Share My Project?

I spent two days going through the list of conferences provided by Dr. Bedard. Halfway through the list, I was beginning to think I had done something wrong to Dr. Bedard in a past life, and her way of punishing me was to make sure every conference had already taken place or was completely unrelated to my area of interest. Then I got to the “H’s” and struck gold. “I found one!” I yelled, as I hugged my dog. In fact, I found three.

Source: http://www.hiceducation.org/
This conference is targeted towards academic educators and professionals from across various disciplines to share and network. I came across their program from the last conference and saw topics on Online Assessment, Digital Media Concerns, and the Affordances of e-Learning. I knew then that my Action Research paper on blended learning would fit right in.

Source: http://www.salt.org/docs/wprogram12.pdf
The SALT conference focuses on ways to apply the latest technologies for education. Some of their areas of interest include Gaming & Simulation and Instructional Systems Design. (Did someone say “ADDIE”?) This conference my very well appease my inner tech-geek goddess. I do have to submit fast, as their deadline is July 20. 

Source: http://tassconference.org/pdf/2011%20TASS%20program.pdf
This conference calls for proposals that deal with “college students, classroom experiences, teaching strategies, study skills…and the use of technology in teaching and learning”. If that doesn’t say “Julia Hutchinson”, I don’t know what does. This conference is actually my first choice, primarily because of the area of interest.

Update: After Wednesday's Wimba session, I decided that I am going to switch from a paper presentation to a 'presentation' presentation. I've changed the conferences to the Georgia Educational Technology Conference, and the Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference. The format lends more to my creative self, and having recently presented my research to a body of faculty, the experience is still fresh. So, I'm off to power up my Keynote!


  1. Julia, Aloha! We dream big (considering Hawaii for presentation. I did, too!) Seriously, though, it does sound like a nice fit for your work with great opportunities to experience the latest trends in emerging, innovative technologies. That combined with the scenery sounds like inspiration with a capital “I”. As in, “I” want to go!
    The SALT conference in VA has some hot topics like gaming in education and mobile devices for interactive learning. The latter was cited by NMC. New Media Consortium, as the number one hottest trend to emerge and watch in 2013. They recently published their annual report for details. The conferences you chose in addition to being relative to your research, seem to be aware and right on target with the trends to watch. NMC site’s Horizon Report:

  2. I'm glad that you hung in there until you found something useful. Good luck.


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