Saturday, December 3, 2011


I'll be the first to admit, I was not looking forward to watching a 3 1/2 hour training video for a software that I already use in my classes. I didn't think there was anything else relative to learn in iMovie. Boy, was I wrong. (That's the downside of being self-taught).

"Nothing to See Here, Folks!"
Eager to earn my Certificate of Completion, I hunkered down and started watching the first batch of videos. For me, the first 30 to 45 minutes of the Essential Training was to review things I already knew and to confirm whether or not I had been teaching the proper methods. There were a few alternative methods for importing video that I never considered (importing from a SD or CF card, for example.) Otherwise, I was in familiar territory.
iMovie: Setting Up the Interface. So far, so good.

"You Can Do WHAT?!?"
I finally got around to Chapter 6: Working With Effects when Garrick Chow showed a technique I'd never tried in iMovie. It was the still frame footage technique where you can extract a single frame from a video sequence and edit it independently. When I saw that, about a dozen idea light bulbs went off in my head. I suddenly had an idea for my Sample Project Video.
Can you imagine the possibilities with that technique?!


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