Monday, November 21, 2011

BP1: Welcome

Grab your coffee. 
Buckle up. 
Keep your hands inside the vehicle at all times as you join me on my year-long journey to achieving a degree I never thought I'd have the opportunity to obtain -- my Master's degree. 

Prior to starting this EMDTMS program at Full Sail, I taught Graphic Design courses at a technical college in NYC. I thought I had the winning formula for student success: a passionate, in depth knowledge about my discipline, a pleasant disposition, a winning smile and an eagerness to teach what I knew. I had no idea what I was missing (and depriving my students of) until I started this program.

I never knew about Brain Based learning or the 8 Multiple Learning Theories until EMDT. Now, I feel like Eric Jensen, Howard Gardner and I have a soul bond. I'm learning NEW technologies! Yes, me, the tekkie queen, as my students so fondly call me. I'm making Wordles! I'm exporting my mp4 to Viddler! (The average reader probably has no idea of what they just read.)

And this is only the beginning.

I hope you'll share this journey with me by subscribing to my blog. After all, it's always fun to have a passenger along for the ride! 


  1. I'm excited, buckled in, and holding onto my hat... What a great way to start off your blog. Is personal and fun. I'm with you-let's go!

  2. Julia,
    I really like this blog theme :) I know you will be successful and I look forward to following your journey :) Enjoy every step and soak in every moment. :)

  3. Very poor work Julia...oh who am I kidding, once again excellent :D Your attention to detail is incredible. Keep up the great work


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